A customer bag (with insulin injections) was missing …

A worried hotel customer reported at the reception that a bag was removed from their room without his consent. The housekeeping department was notified, but nothing was brought to them as lost and found. The only possible explanation was that the bag was regarded as rubbish and was collected to be thrown away. Unfortunately the customer’s insulin injections were stored in that bag and had to be found at any cost of work.

Tanya Genova and Demetra, two hotel maids took action looking in the rubbish bags to find them, but soon they realise that the bags have allready been thrown in a rubbish compactor. Luckily the compactor was off, so Tanya without second thoughts, got into the compactor and search all bags, until the missing bag was found. The relief was painted in customer’s face as the injections were found undamaged. Thanks to Tanya’s compactor story

Story of Tanya Genova, Tsokkos Garden Hotel, Protaras


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