Yiotis Panayi: Restaurant Philoxenist 2022

Mr. Panayiotis Panayi (Yiotis), Maitre D’ Hotel at Amathus Beach Hotel, embodies the exceptional qualities of Cypriot Philoxenia like no other. Through guest reviews, he stands out as a true embodiment of hospitality and character. His impact is evident through numerous references on platforms like Trip Advisor and Booking.com, as well as a significant 67% mention in the Guests’ Feedback Questionnaire, solidifying his position as a prominent figure at the hotel.

Yiotis is a shining example of professionalism and warmth. Described as one of the most pleasant and courteous individuals, he leaves a lasting impression on anyone who crosses his path. He is not only an outstanding professional but also ever-smiling, helpful, and exceptionally friendly. Comments from guests praise him as a real host, a lovely guy, and a true gentleman.

Yiotis greets guests with open arms and treats them like close family members. His warm greetings and kind words from morning to evening leave a lasting impact, elevating the vacation experience to extraordinary levels. His presence is synonymous with putting a smile on guests’ faces, and his efforts are deeply appreciated.

One of his remarkable skills lies in his ability to remember names, individual preferences, orders, and even the way someone takes their morning coffee. His commitment to making every guest feel unique is unwavering. Yiotis has a special connection with young guests, often becoming their favorite person during their stay.

He doesn’t just cater to guests; Yiotis’s caring nature extends to children as well. Families with children often experience his exceptional care, making the little ones feel like special guests. A postcard written by a child perfectly captures his impact: “Mr. Yiotis is looking after us on our lovely holiday, making our holidays extra special. I am looking forward to coming back and seeing him.”

Yiotis is an exemplary credit to the team. His professionalism, spirit, and positive attitude inspire other staff members to emulate his approach. The “Yiotis culture” is emerging within the hotel, as stated by the General Manager. His dedication to fulfilling guests’ desires aligns with the company’s vision to “Delight every guest that walks through its doors.”

As an Ambassador of Amathus Philoxenia, Yiotis’s care and thoughtfulness contribute significantly to guests’ special holiday experiences and their desire to return. His contributions are not only recognized but deeply cherished by all those fortunate enough to experience his exceptional service.


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