Evangelia: Save this wedding!

On the day of her wedding, a bride found herself feeling unwell, having consumed only coffee and champagne. Adding to her discomfort, her dress was becoming increasingly constricting. The prospect of enduring the discomfort all evening exacerbated her condition, especially since she hadn’t brought an alternative dress to change into.

A wave of relief swept over her when Evangelia, a diligent hotel supervisor, graciously volunteered to drive back home and retrieve her own dress. What a remarkable gesture it was! And to the bride’s delight, the dress was a perfect match in size.

The bride’s joy knew no bounds as she was able to switch into the new dress and relish her evening. With deep appreciation, she expressed, “Your dress was my savior; without it, I would have been confined to my room, unable to enjoy myself due to my ailment. You rescued my wedding day, and I will forever hold your kindness in my heart.” With these words, she eloquently conveyed her gratitude for this extraordinary display of hospitality.

Kudos to Evangelia Koumbas of Adams Beach Hotel for her exceptional act of generosity and care.


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